Kerusso Daily Devotional
Kerusso® Daily Devotionals help you make more room for Jesus. Here you’ll find faith, hope, and joy — bite-sized moments of inspiration for busy believers. ABOUT THE KERUSSO DAILY DEVOTIONAL — Developed by Kerusso®, makers of Christian apparel, accessories, and gifts, the Kerusso Daily Devotional:● Features personal and historical stories influenced by the Bible.● Uses various Biblical translations including NIV, KJV, ESV, and NLT.● Includes professionally recorded audio of original content.● Connects you to God’s Word through stories and themes you can identify with on a personal level.● Offers 90-second devotional readings to inspire and encourage you. Learn more at www.kerusso.com.
Kerusso Daily Devotional
Thirsty for a New Life
Jesus has great compassion for everyone. Especially for those society considers unlovable or worth nothing.
One day he stopped by a well and had a conversation with a woman who had been married five times. When He spoke to her, He knew she was now living with another man. Yet Jesus spoke to her in a way that let her know He valued her as a person.
He told her that people could drink the water from that well, but again they would eventually be thirsty. He said to her that the water He gives is a spring welling up inside them, pointing to eternal life.
John 7:38 says, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
Do you believe that? Have you had your encounter with Jesus? If you’re thirsty for a new life, reach out to Him and listen to what Jesus has to say. He will meet you right where you are.
Your life will no longer be dry and lifeless. New life will flow out of you so that others will notice and want what you have!
Let’s pray.
Lord, much of what the world offers doesn’t satisfy us. We need the living water only you can provide. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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Jesus has great compassion for everyone, especially for those society considers unlovable or worth nothing. One day he stopped by a well and had a conversation with a woman who had been married five times. When he spoke to her, he knew she was now living with another man, and yet Jesus spoke to her in a way that let her know he valued her as a person. He told her that people could drink the water from that well, but again they would eventually be thirsty. He said to her that the water he gives is a spring welling up inside them, pointing to eternal life. John 7.38 says.
Speaker 1:John 7.38 says Do you believe that? Have you had your encounter with Jesus? If you're thirsty for a new life, reach out to Him and listen to what he has to say. He will meet you right where you are. Your life will no longer be dry and lifeless. New life will flow out of you so that others will notice and want what you have. Let's pray, lord. Much of what the world offers doesn't satisfy us. We need the living water that only you can provide, in Jesus' name amen.
Speaker 2:Did you know many of the messages featured on the Caruso Daily Devotional are available on a t-shirt? Caruso creates original t-shirts, apparel and gifts with inspirational messages that share the good news of Jesus. Learn more at carusocom. That's K-E-R-U-S-S-O dot com.